Miss Fullerton 2005 Court
@ Fullerton Chamber Mixer
Fidelity Investments
August 17, 2005
Brea, CA
Fidelity Investments - Brea
| Krystal Sewell, 1st Runner-Up, Theresa Harvey, Chamber Exec. Dir., Rebecca Pulido, 2nd Runner-Up
| Krystal Sewell, Rbecca Pulido and Fidelity Investments Team
| Krystal Sewell, Rebecca Pulido display raffle prizes
Krystal, Rebecca and the Fidelity Investments Team
| Krystal, Rebecca and the Fidelity Investments Team
Krystal Sewell and Fidelty Team draw for raffle prize
| Krystal Sewell, Rebecca Pulido display raffle prize
Rebecca, Gary Graves, Carole Bartholomew & Krystal
| Krystal, Rebecca & Chamber members
Theresa Harvey, Rebecca, Ann Harvey, Krystal
| Mark & Beverly Thomson - HostingOC.com
Richard Guerrero, Rebecca Pulido, Steven Stakley
| Shelly Merbach, Linda Denmark, Carol Knowlton
Wayne & Carol Patterson, Krystal Sewell
| Carole Bartholomew, Gary Graves, Kevin Pendergraft