Spinal Cord Society Annual Golf Classic
September 15, 2005 - SCS Golf @ Coyote Hills Country Club - Fullerton, CA

Spinal Cord Society

Meredith Baldwin - Miss Fullerton 2005

Meredith with SCS Staff

Meredith and the SCS banner

Knowlton Girls win door prize

Meredith and SCS Golf Committee

Team Knowlton

Meredith Baldwin & Jennifer Forman

Meredith and SCS Committe member - Kim

Meredith Baldwin & winning golf team

Meredith performs her vocal talent

Meredith poses for her phtographer

"Photography by Doug Hikawa"

For further information regarding these photo's
please Click Here to contact the photographer.

 ©Copyright Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program 2003-2015. All Rights Reserved. All images are copyright protected by the photographer.

Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program
Kathi Hikawa, Executive Director
650 N. Rose Drive, Box 365
Placentia, CA 92870
714.524.6096 or khikawa@aol.com

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