Miss Fullerton 2006 Little Sisters Day
01.28.06 - Miss Fullerton 2006 Contestants and Little Sisters dine with pageant sponsor, Brooklyn Pizza Works 1235 E. Imperial Hwy, Placentia, CA

2006 Sponsor of our Miss Fullerton Pizza Party

Brooklyn Pizza Works - Placentia CA

2006 Miss Fullerton Contestants & LIttle Sisters

2006 Miss Fullerton Contestants

Sam & Sophia, Owners of Brooklyn Pizza Works

2006 Miss Fullerton Contestants & LIttle Sisters

Kayla, Timari, Jayden, Liana & Lindsay - Miss Fullerton Little Sisters

Krystal Sewell & Lindsay Hill

Krystal presents Lindsay with a tiara of her own

Rebecca & Kayla

Kayla received a tiara from Rebecca

Vivy & Timari Foster

Timari receives her tiara from Vivy

Kristen Coseo and Timari Foster

Kristen and Timari

Sarah Henning & Liana Nagao

Sarahh Henning & Liana Nagao

Nichelle Tenerelli & Liana Nagao

Liana receives tiara from Nichelle

Ashley S & Jaden Bass

Ashley & Jayden

Krystal and Lindsay

Krystal and Lindsay

Rebecca and Kayla

Rebecca & Kayla

Vivy and Timari

Vivy and Timari

Kristen and Timari

Kristen and Timari

Sarah and Liana

Sarah and Liana

Nichelle and Liana

Nichelle and Liana

Jaden receives her tiara from Ashley

Ashley and Jayden

Krystal Sewell, 2006 Miss Fullerton Contestant

Rebecca Pulido, 2006 Miss Fullerton Contestant

Vivy Chao, 2006 Miss Fullerton Contestant

Kristen Coseo, 2006 Mis Fullerton Contestant

Sarah Henning, 2006 Miss Fullerton Contestant

Nichelle Tenerelli, 2006 Miss Fullerton Contestant

Ashley S, 2006 Miss Fullerton Contestant

"Photography by Doug Hikawa"

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please Click Here to contact the photographer.

 ©Copyright Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program 2003-2015. All Rights Reserved. All images are copyright protected by the photographer.

Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program
Kathi Hikawa, Executive Director
650 N. Rose Drive, Box 365
Placentia, CA 92870
714.524.6096 or khikawa@aol.com

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