IHOP Pancake Day (Fullerton) invites VIPs - CMN VIP (Zoe Hunter), Miss Fullerton 2013 team (Salisha Thomas, Jazmin Avalos), Miss Anaheim Hills 2013 (Katie Wayland) and Miss CA 2012 (Leah Cecil)
IHOP - Fullerton, CA
| National Pancake Day
| Salisha Thomas, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland, Zoe Hunter
| Katie Wayland, Zoe Hunter, Salisha Thomas with IHOP Team Fullerton
Zoe Hunter (Childrens Miracle Network VIP)
| Leah Cecil (Miss CA 2012)
Salisha Thomas, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
| Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2012)
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2012)
Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
| Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
Jazmin Avalos (MIss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
| Jazmin Avalos (MIss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
Katie Wayland, Zoe Hunter
| Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
Zoe Hunter, Jazmin Avalos
| Zoe Hunter, Jazmin Avalos
Zoe Hunter, Cassie Alex
| Jazmin Avalos, Salisha Thomas, Katie Wayland, Zoe Hunter
Carly Valdes, Whitney Leyva, Leah Cecil
| Carly Valdes, Whitney Leyva, Leah Cecil
Salisha Thomas, Zoe Hunter
| Leah Cecil (Miss CA 2012)
Salisha Thomas, Katie Wayland, Jazmin Avalos
| Salisha Thomas, Katie Wayland
Katie Wayland pouring her favorite Boysenberry syrup
| Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
Zoe Hunter, Salisha Thomas
| Zoe Hunter, Jazmin Avalos
Katie Wayland, Zoe Hunter
| Zoe Hunter with fundraising $$$
Zoe Hunter & Katie Wayland donate $$$
| Katie Wayland donate $$$
Zoe Hunter, Katie Wayland
| Zoe Hunter, Katie Wayland
Zoe Hunter, Katie Wayland
| Casey, Zoe Hunter, Katie Wayland
Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
| Katie;s friend, Casey
Jazmin Avalos (Miss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)
Zoe Hunter & Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)
| Zoe Hunter & Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)