04.10.13: Monthly Chamber meeting featuring VIPs, including Miss Fullerton 2013 (Salisha Thomas).
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)
| Theresa Harvey (Fullerton Chamber Director) & Salisha Thomas
| Norma Ames (MARY KAY) & Salisha Thomas
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) with Coyote Hills Golf Team (Mike Hallowell, Chelsea)
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) with Chamber Team (Erin Haselton, Bev Thomson)
Team Fullerton Women's Club
| Team Fullerton Women's Club
Norma Ames (MARY KAY), Zina Gleason, Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)
| Salisha Thomas with Fullerton Women's Club
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) & Phillip (Patty's Cakes)
| Salisha Thomas & Elisa Werderman (The Muck Cultural Center)
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) & Barbara Ingram (Popular Comm Bank)
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) &VIP (Leon Owens Foundation)
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) & Philip (Patty's Cakes)
| Philip (Patty's Cakes)
Norma Ames - Fullerton Women's Club winner & Salisha Thomas
| Shirley Thiele & Norma Ames - Fullerton Women's Club winner
Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) with Theresa & Bill Harvey
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013) & Barbara Ingram (Popular Comm Bank)
Norma Rodriguez, Salisha Thomas, Carla Jones
| Salisha Thomas, Paulette Marshall
Salisha Thomas, Davis Barber, Jennifer Fraga, Barbara Ingram
| Kathi Hikawa & Barbara Ingram (Popular Comm. Bank)
Elisa Werderman (The Muckenthaler), Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)
| Theresa Harvey (Fullerton Chamber Director) & Salisha Thomas
Team Popular Community Bank (Barbara Ingram & Jennifer Fraga)
| Salisha Thomas (Miss Fullerton 2013)