07.10.13: Monthly chamber event featuring VIPs from the Miss Fullerton, Miss Anaheim Hills, and Miss North County program.
Bree Morse & Erin Haselton
| Clint Marsh (Morningside Manager) joins Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland, Bree Morse
| Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland, Bree Morse
| Jazmin Avalos, Leah Song, Bree Morse, Erin Haselton, Katie Wayland
Leah Song & Erin Haselton (Fullerton Chamber)
| Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland, Bree Morse
Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
| Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
Bree Morse (Miss North County 2013)
| Bree Morse (Miss North County 2013)
Jazmin Avalos (MIss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
| Jazmin Avalos (MIss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
| Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
Bree Morse (Miss North County 2013)
| Bree Morse (Miss North County 2013)
Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
| Katie Wayland (Miss Anaheim Hills 2013)
Jazmin Avalos (MIss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
| Jazmin Avalos (MIss Fullerton O/S Teen 2013)
Sponsor Norma Ames (MARY KAY) with Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
| Sponsor Bev/Mark Thomson (HostingOC.com), Bree Morse, Katie Wayland, Jazmin Avalos
Sponsor Davis Barber (Fullerton Stories.com), Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
| Robbins Brothers (Hannah Lee, Jazmin Aguilar) with Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland, Bree Morse
Erin Haselton (Fullerton Chamber)
| Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
Robbins Brothers (Hannah Lee, Jazmin Aguilar) with Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland, Bree Morse
| Elisa Werderman, Bree Morse (Miss North County 2013)
Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
| Fullerton Chamber (Leah Song, Erin Haselton) join Jazmin Avalos, Bree Morse, Katie Wayland
Bree Morse & Allison Town (The Muckenthaler)
| Bree Morse & Ron Kent
Katie Wayland, Dr. Bob Dolan
| Jazmin Avalos, Shirley Thiele
Bert Reitz, Katie Wayland
| Robbins Brothers (Hannah Lee, Jazmin Aguilar)
Mark Thomson (HostingOC.com) with Bree Morse, Jazmin Avalos, Katie Wayland
| Jazmin Avalos, Bree Morse, Katie Wayland