Miss Fullerton 2006 Pageant (Part 3)
02.18.06 = Miss Fullerton Pageant Competition


Jayden Bass with Ashley

Vivy Chao

Kristen Coseo

Timari Foster & Kristen Coseo

Rebecca Pulido

Sarah Henning

Laura Thatcher

Krystal Sewell

Nichelle Tenerelli

Jayden Bass & Nichelle Tenerelli

Soncee Brown Partida

Bonnie Carmalt - Miss City of Orange 2006

Bonnie Carmalt

Jeffrey Johns and friend

Dance Planet performs

Michaela Gallo performs duet

Michaela Gallo

Michaela Gallo leads the Little Sisters performing "Hand Jive" routine

Miss Fullerton Little Sisters perform

Miss Fullerton Little Sisters

Producer Jeffrey Johns leads all in "Hand Jive"

Arianna Afsar - Miss CA O/S Teen 2005

Arianna Afsar

Daina Baker - Miss Orange Coast 2004

Daina Baker

Bonnie Carmalt performs solo

Bonnie Carmalt

Meredith Baldwin - Miss Fullerton 2005 Farewell

Meredith Baldwin

Meredith Baldwin

Daina Baker leads the Miss Fullerton 2006 finalists for the crowning event

Miss Fullerton 2006 finalists

Miss Fullerton 2006 finalists

Alexis Kupratis, Laura Thatcher & Special Fan

Jenileigh Sawatzke - Miss OC 2005 & Laura Thatcher

Melissa Chaty - Miss Greater Ventura Co 2006 & Laura Thatcher

Meredith Baldwin & Special Fan

"Photography by Doug Hikawa"

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please Click Here to contact the photographer.

 ©Copyright Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program 2003-2015. All Rights Reserved. All images are copyright protected by the photographer.

Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program
Kathi Hikawa, Executive Director
650 N. Rose Drive, Box 365
Placentia, CA 92870
714.524.6096 or khikawa@aol.com

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