Miss CA 2017 Orientation
04.01.17: Miss CA 2017 orientation meeting for 2017 MISS and TEEN contestants. Fresno, CA
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2017 MISS Finalists
| 2017 TEEN Finalists
| Jessa Carmack & Jenna Tower
| Jessa Carmack & Jenna Tower
Jessa Carmack (Miss CA 2016)
| Jenna Tower (Miss CAOT 2016)
Jenna Tower (Miss CAOT 2016)
| Jessa Carmack (Miss CA 2016)
"Photography by Doug Hikawa"
For further information regarding these photo's
please Click Here to contact the photographer.
Miss Fullerton Scholarship Program 2003-2015. All
Rights Reserved. All images are copyright protected
by the photographer.