04.30.06: Annual fundraising event for the Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton @ La Vie En Rose restaurant - Brea, CA
Event Host - La Vie En Rose
| Laura, Louis Laulhere, owner of LaVie e Rose & Alexis
| Alexis Kupratis, Alicia De La Luz - Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton, Laura Thatcher
| Laura Thatcher, Michael Herrera Of the Fullerton Boys & Girls Club & Alexis Kupratis
Councilman Don Bankhead, with Alexis & Laura
| Alexis and Laura meet the La Vie en Rose staff
Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton Board Members
| Boys & Girls cllub of Fullerton Board Members
| Laura with George Lowe & Alexis
Alexis, Mr. & Mrs. Bergman & Laura
| Alexis with the owners of La Vie En Rose
La Vie En Rose Staff with Alexis
| The Servers stop to pose with Alexis and Laura
Will & Jackie Lindsay with Laura & Alexis
| Alicia DeLaCruz & Alexis Kupratis
Supporters of the "Super Good Guys" Recognition Luncheon stop and pose with Laura & Alexis
| Supporter of the Fullerton Boys & Girls Club
Attendee of the Event
| Mike Nomura & Alexis
Appreciation Award
| The "Greeter" @ La Vie En Rose
Alexis Kupratis - Miss Fullerton O/S Teen 2006 & Laura Thatcher - Miss Fullerton 2006
| Alexis Kupratis & Laura Thatcher
Laura & Alexis with Minard Duncan, a Board Member of the Fullerton Boys & Girls Club
A Big Fan of the girls
| Lois Bergman of Fullerton Community Bank with Alexis & Laura
Attendees of the "Super Good Guys" 2005 Recgnition
The youngest attendee with mom an Alexis
| Alexis poses with supporters of the Boys & Girls Club
Alexis with Boys & Girls Club Supporter
| Lois Bergman with husband pose with Alexis as they receive their appreciation gift
Beverly Spencer with Lexi & family member