Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton
Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton
2005 with Laura Thatcher, Miss Placentia
Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton
2005 Veena Goel, Miss CA 2004
Laura Thatcher, Miss Placentia 2005
Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton 2005
Laura Thatcher, Miss Placentia 2005
Jeffrey Johns, Miss OC Executive Director
Connie Leamon, Miss CA Field
Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton 2005
Laura Thatcher, Miss Placentia 2005
Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton 2005
with Laura Thatcher, Miss Placentia 2005
Laura Thatcher, Miss Placentia
Stephanie Chao, Miss Placentia 2004
Meredith Baldwin, Miss Fullerton 2005
Meredith Baldwin, Laura Thatcher
Join Rachel Clarke, Miss Anaheim 2005
Jenileigh Sawatzke, Miss OC 2005
Fullerton Scholarship Program
Kathi Hikawa, Executive Director
650 N. Rose Drive, Box 365
Placentia, CA 92870
714.524.6096 or khikawa@aol.com